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Actions (also called Tools, Commands, or Functions) are the actions that COVAS:NEXT can perform in Elite: Dangerous or outside. There is no need to remember specific commands, as the AI will understand your intent and perform the action accordingly. Primarily, these actions can be used to control various ship operations, such as firing weapons, adjusting speed, deploying heat sinks, and more. Additionally, the AI can fetch internet data if it deems it relevant for the conversation, by either your inquiry or game events happening.


In order to perform actions in Elite: Dangerous, COVAS:NEXT requires keybindings to be set up in the game. These keybindings are used to emulate button presses, allowing the AI to control various ship operations. At the time of writing, COVAS:NEXT only supports for the following Elite: Dangerous keys:

Available keys for keybindings

Usage with HOTAS or other controllers

A common workaround is to assign keyboard bindings alongside your controller bindings, even if you don't use a keyboard. This allows COVAS:NEXT to use these keybindings for its commands, while you continue to use your controller for the game.

Secondary Keybindings

TODO: check how secondary keybindings can be used

Available Ship Actions

This is a list of all currently supported actions the AI can perform. Just talk to it naturally and it will understand your intent.

  1. fire

    Start firing primary weapons.

  2. holdFire

    Stop firing primary weapons.

  3. fireSecondary

    Start firing secondary weapons.

  4. holdFireSecondary

    Stop firing secondary weapons.

  5. hyperSuperCombination

    Initiate FSD Jump, required to jump to the next system or enter supercruise.

  6. setSpeedZero

    Set speed to 0%.

  7. setSpeed50

    Set speed to 50%.

  8. setSpeed100

    Set speed to 100%.

  9. deployHeatSink

    Deploy heat sink.

  10. deployHardpointToggle

    Deploy or retract hardpoints.

  11. increaseEnginesPower

    • pips: Integer (default: 1, maximum: 4).

    Increase engine power.

  12. increaseWeaponsPower

    • pips: Integer (default: 1, maximum: 4).

    Increase weapon power.

  13. increaseSystemsPower

    • pips: Integer (default: 1, maximum: 4).

    Increase systems power.

  14. galaxyMapOpen

    • system_name: String (optional).

    Open galaxy map. Zoom in on system or plot a route.

  15. galaxyMapClose

    Close galaxy map.

  16. systemMapOpen

    Open or close system map.

  17. cycleNextTarget

    Cycle to next target.

  18. cycleFireGroupNext

    Cycle to next fire group.

  19. shipSpotLightToggle

    Toggle ship spotlight.

  20. ejectAllCargo

    Eject all cargo.

  21. landingGearToggle

    Toggle landing gear.

  22. useShieldCell

    Use shield cell.

  23. fireChaffLauncher

    Fire chaff launcher.

  24. nightVisionToggle

    Toggle night vision.

  25. recallDismissShip

    Recall or dismiss ship (available on foot and inside SRV).

  26. selectHighestThreat

    Target lock on the highest threat.

  27. toggleCargoScoop

    Toggle cargo scoop.

  28. chargeECM

    Charge ECM.

Available Online-Lookup Actions

  1. getGalnetNews

    • query: String.

    Retrieve current interstellar news from Galnet. Answers the question that lead to tool usage.

  2. trade_plotter

    • system: String.
    • station: String.
    • max_hops: Integer.
    • max_hop_distance: Number.
    • starting_capital: Number.
    • max_cargo: Integer.
    • requires_large_pad: Boolean.

    Retrieve a trade route from the trade plotter.

  3. system_finder

    • name: String.
    • reference_system: String.
    • distance: Number (default: 50000).
    • allegiance: Array of strings.
    • state: Array of strings.
    • government: Array of strings.
    • power: Array of strings.
    • primary_economy: Array of strings.
    • security: Array of strings.
    • thargoid_war_state: Array of strings.
    • population: Object.
    • comparison: String ("<" or ">").
    • value: Number.

    Find a star system based on various filters.

  4. station_finder

    • name: String.
    • reference_system: String.
    • has_large_pad: Boolean.
    • distance: Number (optional).
    • material_trader: Array of strings.
    • technology_broker: Array of strings.
    • modules: Array of objects.
    • name: String.
    • class: Array of strings.
    • rating: Array of strings.
    • market: Array of objects.
    • name: String.
    • amount: Integer.
    • transaction: String ("Buy" or "Sell").
    • ships: Array of objects.
    • name: String.
    • services: Array of objects.
    • name: String.

    Find a station based on various filters.

  5. body_finder

    • name: String.
    • reference_system: String.
    • distance: Number (optional).
    • subtype: Array of strings.
    • landmark_subtype: Array of strings.

    Find a celestial body based on various filters.

Miscellaneous Actions

  1. getVisuals

    • query: String.

    Describe what's currently visible to the Commander. Answers the question that lead to tool usage.