First Steps
If you have not already done so, you should first complete the Getting Started guide. This guide will help you set up your AI and get you started with the basics.
Once you have completed the setup, you can start using the AI in-game. The AI can help you with a variety of tasks, such as navigating the galaxy map, managing your ship's systems, and providing information about the game world. The AI can also assist you in combat, mining, trading, and other activities.
There are several configuration options, that you can adjust to customize the AI to your liking.
Character Prompt
The AI Character Prompt is a description of the AI's personality. You can modify this text to your liking – if you want the AI to talk about your ships cat, you can mention "We have a cat on our ship that likes to get in the way of my controls when it wants attention.", causing the AI to role-play and mention the cats current whereabouts regularly. More examples can be found on our discord server.
The integration uses your microphone for speech recognition. We support voice activation and push-to-talk (PTT). When using voice activation, we recommend using headphones to avoid the AI hearing itself, which causes a feedback loop.
Event Trigger
Certain actions within the game can trigger events that the AI can respond to. For example, when the ship is in danger, the AI can be programmed to inform you. Depending on your preferences, you can choose to silence some of these events or have the AI respond to other events. The "Events Triggers" section of the settings allows you to configure which events the AI should respond to, making the AI more or less chatty.
Keyboard Bindings
For a more detailed explanation, see the Actions page.
In order for the AI to perform actions within the game a list of assigned keyboard buttons is recommended: - fire: Start firing primary weapons. - fireSecondary: Start firing secondary weapons. - hyperSuperCombination: Initiate FSD Jump, required to jump to the next system or enter supercruise. - setSpeedZero: Set speed to 0%. - setSpeed50: Set speed to 50%. - setSpeed100: Set speed to 100%. - deployHeatSink: Deploy heat sink. - deployHardpointToggle: Deploy or retract hardpoints. - increaseEnginesPower: Increase engine power. - increaseWeaponsPower: Increase weapon power. - increaseSystemsPower: Increase systems power. - galaxyMapOpen: Open or close the galaxy map. - systemMapOpen: Open or close the system map. - cycleNextTarget: Cycle to the next target. - cycleFireGroupNext: Cycle to the next fire group. - shipSpotLightToggle: Toggle ship spotlight. - ejectAllCargo: Eject all cargo. - landingGearToggle: Toggle landing gear. - useShieldCell: Use a shield cell. - fireChaffLauncher: Fire chaff launcher. - nightVisionToggle: Toggle night vision. - recallDismissShip: Recall or dismiss ship, available on foot and inside SRV.
The following buttons are required to perform advanced UI actions, like setting routes: - UI Up - UI Right - UI Select - UI Back